Sugicare from Cobiosa; The next level of clean beauty
We would like to tell you more about Cobiosa Sugicare, which is very rich in energising phytochemicals. It is capable of eliciting neurogenic response feelings of joy and calmness associated with a sense of well-being resulting in an anti-ageing effect.
More information about Sugicare
The appendix provides more information on the ingredient Sugicare. We imagine that questions might arise. If so, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can answer these and advise you on the formulation of this product. We will be happy to ensure that the desired quantity is delivered to you at a time that suits you.
About Cobiosa
AAKO Personal & Hair Care offers our customers both innovative and established products. An innovative brand we represent is Cobiosa. They produce and develop effective active ingredients for cosmetic skin and hair treatments.
Contact AAKO
Click here for more information about AAKO Personal & Hair Care. Do you have any questions or would you like to have some advice about other ingredients? Our team of experts will be happy to provide you with supply and formulation advice.