Type Crop Protection

Product description

HELIOSOUFRE S® is a biocontrol fungicide based on sulfur and terpene derivatives. Usable in organic farming, HELIOSOUFRE S® fights against wheat septoria and powdery mildew in field crops, vines and fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops. Thanks to its liquid formulation based on terpene derivatives, HELIOSOUFRE S® is effective and persistent. It improves the spray quality of the mixture and mixtures. HELIOSOUFRE S® can be used alone or in a mixture in conventional agriculture as well as in organic agriculture. HELIOSOUFRE S® can also be integrated into strategies against resistance thanks to its natural multi-site substance. Usable at low doses, it provides less sulfur per hectare than reference sulphur.


Heliosoufre contains 700 g/l of Sulphur in a suspension concentrate (SC) formulation


Helisoufre can be used against wheat septoria and powdery mildew in field crops, vines and fruit crops , vegetables and ornamentals.