Product description

Heliocuivre is a preventive and anti-sporulating fungicide, with an excellent retention and rainfastness. It has a anti-sporulating effect, that controls Downey Mildew even after infection. This assures better efficacy and flexibility. In practical conditions Heliocuivre will give the best results when applied as a preventive treatment. However as downey mildew will occur at different developmental stages, its anti-sporulatinf activity will definately improve its efficacy. Heliocuivre is suitable for organic agriculture.


Heliocuivre contains copper metal from copper hydroxide, in a Suspension Concentrate (SC) formulation.


Heliocuivre can be applied in Olives, Potato, Tomato and Grapes gainst Downey Mildew and Peacock eye spot.