
James Robinson Speciality Ingredients is a global supplier of speciality ingredients for the personal care and photochromics industries, backed by over 100 years of heritage. For more than 70 years AAKO has been distributing James Robinson’s ingredients.
Starting in 1840, their Manchester and Huddersfield teams are supported by a team in India, giving them extensive local and international reach.
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About James Robinson

The people of James Robinson are experts in the development of synthetic and natural ingredients and have expanded their capabilities with the recent addition of a purpose built biotechnology facility in Manchester. By working closely together their synthetic, natural and biotech ingredient divisions are able to research and develop more sustainable products for the future.


For more than 70 years AAKO has been distributing James Robinson’s ingredients. We are in contact with them on a weekly basis to discuss current orders from our customers and can ask any technical questions for the ingredients we offer in the Benelux countries and Germany.

The ingredients we distribute for James Robinson include Jarocol® Hair dyes and Jarocare products.

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