Ecofriendly Agricultural Solutions
A growing demand for biological solutions in agriculture has been a trend for quite some years now. We see this not only in Europe, but also in North Africa, either because the end product is sold to Europe, or because the growers recognize the benefits of biologicals also for local production.
AAKO has responded to this growing demand with ecofriendly solutions for North Africa. Based on biological certifications such as Ecocert or BCS OEKO, they are fully compatible with organic productions.
BioBac® From the best of nature
A unique Bacillus subtilis containing proprietary strain Y1336
- BIOBAC®Bacillus subtilis Y1336 was isolated from the soil in Taiwan, the properties of Y1336 include:
- A powerful and highly stable formulation
- Fast reproduction
- Improve disease resistance with secondary metabolites released from fermentation and reproduction.
- Stimulate immune system in crops and accelerate growth.
Using the 3 elements above will fend off fungal and bacterial induced foliar and soil-borne disease.
Heliocuivre® An optimum bioavailability on copper hydroxide
combined to pine terpenes exceptional biological properties
- An organic fungicide with anti sporulant properties
- for the control of downy mildew, rot and bacterial diseases*. (amongst others)
- from a high-quality copper hydroxide, combining fineness and homogeneity
- for a lower and optimal bioavailability of the active substance.
- with outstanding retention and spreading characteristics from the terpenes
- to perform on the coverage of sprayed mix on the target,
- and provide exceptional adhesive qualities with limited risk of rainfast.
Heliosoufre® An unmatched mix
associating sulphur with pine terpenes properties
- A liquid organic fungicide with anti sporulant properties
- for the control of powdery mildew, scab and acariasis*
- with combine chemical and physical characteristics suitability to lower application content of the micronised sulphur
- and outstanding spraying and adhesive properties
*Check your local approvals for further details