An inspiring start to the new year
The first month of the new year is always busy for AAKO. But also inspiring, because we draw up the status with the year-end close and make plans for the coming year. Our customers also use this first month to sharpen their own organization.
This year is different than usual, that is logical. In 2020 we worked with the necessary restrictions. In 2021 we will still have to deal with the coronacrisis. We notice that, after having worked remotely for and with our clients for a long time, we are really starting to miss the human contact. Our internal meetings go online for 90%, but the meetings with our customers take place almost 100% via online platforms. We manage, but nevertheless we are looking forward to meet eachother again in person.
Influence of corona on logistics processes
Corona, of course, affects the entire world. As a result, fewer research & development activities take place for the long term. Contract management with our suppliers and customers takes longer, because we cannot talk to each other “live”.
Prevented transport
But the most annoying thing is that the transport of raw materials to and within Europe is hampered by the corona crisis. One reason for this is that mainly transport from outside Europe became unpredictable. There is a shortage of ships and containers, which greatly disrupts the supply to Europe and which has multiplied the costs of transport. Some shipping companies previously sailed to Rotterdam three times a week and now that is only twice. As a result, sometimes it does not take a few days, but a few weeks before you have found a place on a container ship.
Dedicated stock guaranteed
Because AAKO has a team of locals working outside Europe, we can actively respond to this. These people continuously monitor and streamline the transport options for our AAKO. In addition, AAKO has dedicated stock readily available in Europe for some of our regular customers to guarantee uninterrupted deliveries. These customers therefore do not notice the logistical problems and can focus undisturbed on their core business.
Our good resolution
It is with good reason that “Chemical Excellence” is our promise: our dedicated teams with clear responsibility manage a closely balanced portfolio and use a thorough and meticulous way of working. Especially now, now that we are dealing with all kinds of restrictions, we are flexible. This adaptability makes us strong, it is one of our core values for a reason. In short: corona or no corona, we go for it!