A new member to the AAKO-team

Starting at a new employer is always exciting, and this is also the case for Arno Dubbelhuis. After a four-year trip to another industry, Arno is back in the “world of chemistry”. He has been a Sales Executive at AAKO for a week and is responsible for the orders that are processed within AAKO. He is in contact with the customers, prepares the quotations, buys from suppliers, and adjusts the delivery to the wishes of the customer. In this job you really have to be an organizational talent. Arno has that talent, but there is also a lot to learn!
Working in the chemical industry is a relief for Arno. The customers are go-getters, they are straightforward and keep their promises. AAKO’s customers are located all over the world, we are dealing with different cultures. That makes this work challenging and interesting.
Commercial talent
Arno has a commercial background, he has a marketing degree and has always had commercial jobs. Arno does not yet know everything about chemical raw materials and products, but that is not necessary for working at AAKO at this point. After a week of work he experiences that he has already learned a lot. This is mainly due to the AAKO team, which makes time to inform the newcomer about the ins and outs of the business. That is incredibly inspiring!
My future at AAKO
What will the future bring me at AAKO? Everything is open, at least I hope that I get to know my customers a little better. Because only then can I be one step ahead of them. Offer tailor-made advice and surprise them with the most suitable solution for their question! With a satisfied customer as a result, it couldn’t be better, right?